Sunday, July 10, 2011

The last month…

Well, we left off about a month ago with the Riverfest, dentist appointments and severe weather.  In the last month, we’ve potty trained (pee only) Danna, I’ve had 4 book signings locally, Moni and I celebrated our 11th anniversary, we survived the 4th of July and the kids have continued to drive us FREAKING CRAZY!  I know I’ve said it before, and I apologize for repeating myself, but people need to change the term “terrible two’s.”  Two-years-old was easy compared to this three-years-old stuff .

The potty-training of Danna was so easy, it pissed me off.  The first day, we woke up and put on her panties.  She WOULD NOT go potty on the potty.  She would hold it for hours.  I could tell she had to go, but she wouldn’t let it go while she was sitting on the pot.  The second day, her and Moni had a battle of wills.  Moni kept pumping the fluids, sat her on the potty (she would sit, she just wouldn’t go) and wouldn’t let her off until Danna went.  Danna held it as long as she could, but when she realized she could pee on the pot she was basically trained.  I think in the last two weeks we’ve had one, maybe two, accidents.  She’s known what she was doing the whole time.  As far as pooping, she still won’t do that on the pot.  She will wait until nap time or bed time and go in her pull up.  Not sure how we’re going to combat that for sure yet, but any ideas would be more than welcome:)


This beautiful, little girl is too smart for her own good.

The week of Father’s Day, Suzanne Perez Tobias came out and interviewed me for an article that ran that Sunday in The Wichita Eagle.  It was a lot of fun for the kids to see themselves in the newspaper that Sunday, and it was GREAT publicity for my book.  I had four signings the past couple of weeks and they have all been a lot of fun and, for the most part, very well attended.  I’m sitting at 346 copies sold, and I’m hoping to start traveling to speak to/do signings for multiples groups soon, and the book is still available for order here on our website.  I was invited by Rainbows United, Inc. to speak here in Wichita in early August so I’m pretty excited about that.

Wichita Eagle Picture

The picture that was in The Wichita Eagle

Moni and I had a low-key celebration for our 11th anniversary on June 24th.  We had an all-day family fun day.  We went to the park and played on the playground and fed the ducks.  After the park, we went over to Uncle Jim and Aunt Renee’s house for some swimming fun.  It was a long day, and the kids were ready for bed.  After we got home and got the kids to bed, we were joined by some family and friends to celebrate for the rest of the day.  The following pictures are from our fun day at the park.










As for the 4th of July, it proved my theory of feast or famine.  We were invited to four or so parties, and couldn’t attend all of them.  It seems like when we have one thing on our calendar, we get invited to multiple other things so we can’t make it to everything and that’s a bummer.  Maybe as the kids get bigger, and we get more efficient in our travels we’ll be able to attend more things…hopefully anyways.  The following pictures are from the 4th of July “fireworks extravaganza”  at the Graf house.  Can you tell who the two are who weren’t at all interested in firing off the fireworks were?  The little Diva didn’t even care to watch.

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See you later:)


Hilary said...

Happy 11th Anniversary guys!!! Looks like you had a fun 4th too :)

Michelle Ronsick (Wapelhorst) said...

Had the same issue with potty training our oldest, Keira. Waited for the pullup at naptime....I think that is when she was most relaxed and thus it was easier to go. At least that is what I told myself...really she was just showing me she was in control. Finally I managed to watch her through a cracked doorway at naptime. When it became obvious that she was preparing to "go", I snatched her up and got her on the pot quickly. Once she did it, it was smooth sailing. Good luck! Was entertaining sitting behind you during Mass a couple of weeks ago at St Catherines. My 3 were actually pretty well behaved for a change, and yours were cuties!

Anonymous said...

Having fun in the summer, enjoying my kids and grandkids. I can't say grandbabies anymore, they are too grown up. Billy and Moni you two are doing a great job. Love you, Grandma Vicki