I know Miss Danna is beautiful, and we do spend a lot of days as “Danna Day,” but 2 months with her day being up on the blog is, well, ridiculous. I have reprimanded myself, trust me. Now that I have publicly recognized the fact that I abandoned our blog (and it’s readers) for that long, I will let you know what has been going on in the past couple months…
The kids continue to attend pre-K and LOVE it. Their teachers are incredible, and not a day goes by without each of the quads mentioning something about Miss Meier or Miss Glenda. I watch them interact with the kids when we first arrive for school, and I can tell that they both have an incredible gift in dealing with little ones. I can only hope we continue this luck with all of their teachers throughout their school years.
It is amazing the way all four of the kids have matured in the past couple of months. I look back and read their blog for each of their day, and they have each grown up so much in that short of a time. Their reasoning has seemed to expand so much, especially in the last couple of weeks. For the most part, I can talk them of the ledge now:) I wonder how long they will continue to think I am always right?
Do not get me wrong, we still have PLENTY of four-year-old moments:) Because of their recent growth, though, I have to constantly remind myself, “Hey. You’re dealing with four-year-olds.” They have done a good job with each of their milestones. We’re all fully potty trained through day and night now. The boys want to “stand up and pee like Daddy,” but they struggle with their aim, but that is really the only problem we’ve had lately. We still have an occasional accident, but they are getting fewer and farther between.
The boys have really taken to technology in the last couple of months. Grammy has an I-Pad which is a new favorite and they like to play games on Moni’s and my phone. It is amazing to me to watch them navigate through all of the games and play them. What isn’t amazing to me is that they have spent around 20-30 dollars total on Grammy’s I-Pad and our phones on new games. We have to watch them like hawks.
This past week has been the kids’ spring break. We’ve had crappy weather, and they are itching to start getting outside regularly. The warm winter we’ve had has helped, but like I said, we’ve received A LOT of rain lately. However, I know the rain is much needed around here, so we can’t complain too much.
Moni continues to work her tail off at the ER, and I do my best to keep up with the laundry and dishes. For the most part, the front room stays somewhat picked up, but I can’t say the same for the basement:( I swear, I leave the kids unattended for five minutes and they will blow up any sort of order I was trying to accomplish. It gets discouraging, but we do our best.
I hope everyone out there in blog-land is doing well. I will start to update my twitter A LOT more often (140 character updates are a lot easier than an entire blog), so if I fall behind again, you can always get your Graf Quads fix by following me on twitter @quaddaddy21. Until next time,
P.S. About “next time,” I promise pictures:)