Sunday, August 30, 2009

Prayer Request

Hey everyone,
A fellow quad mama, Jenn from OK, emailed me earlier today about sending some much needed prayers her way. She and her husband, Rick, have 3 boys and 1 girl quadruplets that are just a titch younger than the Graf Quads. They also have an older son, Parker. Three of the four babies are in the hospital right now with HUS (hemolytic-uremic syndrome) and are pretty sick lil pups. They would appreciate any and all prayers to help them kick this illness and for a full recovery. You can read more about this sweet family on their blog:

Thank you for your prayers!



jag said...

You got it!

Deanna said...

Hi! I stumbled over from another blog, and just had to comment on your header...Roll Tide!! I love it!

Also, will send up a prayer for those sweet babies.

Anonymous said...

They are all in my prayers. Love, Grandma Vicki

alifewith4 said...

Prayers sending her way!
My name is Jennifer, just introducing myself. Gonna be a mom of quads!
But in all seriousness, their family will be in my pryaers

American History said...

Keeping that family in our prayers. We sent a prayer request to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Holy Land thanks to

God bless.