That's right, folks. The Graf Quads out-danced the Tubre Quads by a very slim margin. As Jaclyn put it, "6 stinking votes!" We thought those 6 votes smelled pretty good.
So here's to all of you who voted for the good guys....a little victory dance footage from the babies and Daddy (who, might I add, looks ravishing in his Crimson Tide tee - Roll Tide).
We have to say that this has been one of the most intense 6 days of our lives. We have no more nails to bite off. But that's mainly because Forrest has already chewed everyone's down to a nub. The Graf's and Tubre's are far too competitive to try anything like this again - at least for a little while. But we're open for suggestions on future Tubre/Graf battles!
Hope this can get everyone through until we return home from Colorado. We're going to the Selenke family reunion and will be there until Monday. We'll have lots more to post after that, including some 4th of July pics and videos.
Thanks again to ALL the voters on both sides. You made this competition fun and exciting. Your 2008 Dance War victors will try to keep you entertained and make you proud!
Billy, Moni, Pius, Forrest, Danna and Laine
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
Congrats guys!!! I loved the victory dances... Laine is a dancing machine... All of the ladies need to watch out for him... he will out dance us all!!! Have fun in CO and see ya when you get back!
Ok, so I can't watch the video right now, but just wanted to say congratulations and we love you guys. Have a safe trip and text me daily!!
Have a great trip. You don't know me and I have to admit I voted for the Tubre's...!! hahaha Nonetheless, I love you guys. Your
kids are gorgeous. You've given enormous amounts of happiness and laughter to so many folks you more than likely won't ever meet. Any friend of Jac and Torey's is a friend of mine. Young folks like you all give HOPE back to this world.....!!! Keep up the good work...!!!
God Bless - Karla
Congratulations on the victory!!!
Have fun in Colorado, and yes, I think you may be a little crazy for talking 4 babies on a 9 hour car ride :)
I can't wait to see your 4th of July pictures and videos!
What a ride!
The Pee-Wee was my personal favorite.
Look forward to some CO posts when you return. Hope you guys make lots of memoris and have a blast!
Love from your Hoosier Buddies,
Jen and the Crew
I am so glad I had access to 5 other computers in addition to mine. Yeah!
THANK-YOU FOR THAT GRAF'S. You truly know how to make my bum days so much more pleasant! Hope you have a wonderful trip. Be safe, and I love you all! Aunt Donna
If my grandbabies had to take 2nd place to anybody, I'm glad it was to their future spouses. As long as we keep it in the family.ha!!!
They were all so cute! Hope you have a safe and as pleasant trip as possible.(ha) I'm sure you'll have interesting stories to tell about that adventure.
Gammy (Tubre)
I am suddenly a little concerned about the music that will be soundtrack of your children's lives! I almost had a seizure with the extreme changes in musical genres. I can only imagine what kind of effect it will have on your sweet babies!
The videos are great!
Great job guys!! Woo-hoo!
I wonder where in Colorado you're at? Could you be near Jason and I again?
xoxo, Courtney
The Graf Quads rock!!!! Moni, those were the cutest videos I have ever seen. Keep it going and your kiddos will be on "Dancing With The Stars". Hope you guys are having fun in Colorado. It is so beautiful there. Have a safe trip there and back. Later gaters.
The College Hill Girls (Sarah)
That was so darn cute! The Graf and Tubre Quads are too cute for words. What a great and fun relationship you all have. I hope you all had a wonderful and safe trip to Denver and we want to hear all about it.
Love you cuties!
Is this thing still working?
No worries it still works. As the Quality Control Operator I have contacted the source and he said things have been busy. But assured me that there will be a new post up by tonite at 5:00 p.m. MDT. They still haven't adjusted back from being in the Rockies.
Too cute!!!
To the Quality Control manager, as Donald Trump would say, "You're fired! GGr
You can't fire me
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