Okay, I feel like the "one more" bandit. My mom brought over her camera and I got the video figured out, plus a little extra. Hope this will hold "yall" over!
Pucker up, Buttercup! And P.S. my daddy rocks
This picture is in memory of Mookie the Tubre cat. Our cat's name is Ted, but she usually just gets called "kitty-cat". She's cool with that. She never did understand why she got a boy's name. Little did she know that her owners were too stupid to be able to tell the difference between male/female cat genitalia at such an early age. Also pictured....Danna's slippered feet. Our friends from Germany, Tina and Maik, sent handmade slippers for the babies. They're awesome because they tie on and don't kick off (and they're so cute)!
Whomever invented sunglasses for babies should be shot. What a moronic genius. They're too cute to pass up, but completely useless!
Grandma Vick 1st to post. They are adorable.
Get a life Vicki!They don't need you to tell them how adorable they are.
Grandpa Stubby
On the Tubres defense, our kitties are part of our family too, so I would have been just as devestated and bless you for having a tribute as I can see your kittie is part of the family also. As far as glasses go, I wore them since I was 6 til I got Lasic 21 years later, so,hopefully for your sake, they just will never need glasses, because, I can guess at four kids, that would be pretty expensive. So hopefully they just moved them off the eyes because they will never need them. Sooo cute babies!!!!!! You are doing amazing and getting so big. I can't wait to see when they are tearin the house up!
Hi! Saw your comment on Mari's blog and thought i would stop by to say "hello!" Congrats on your beautiful family. Our quads (three girls and a boy) will be two next month. Stop by if you ever want to chat.
:)Gen McNulty
How cute & funny! You are right baby sunglasses are adorable, but they sure don't stay on very good.
At least the babies didn't seem to mind too much, since there wasn't any crying! I am glad you got the video thing figured out, so now we can look forward to many more wonderful clippets.
I came over to this site from a Caring Bridge page back in October and now love checking in our your family. The kids are so cute and your blog never ceases to make me laugh. I have a 4-month-old son, so I can totally relate to some of your stories (can't imagine having three more at Michael's age!).
Best wishes,
Kellie N. and Michael
Let's try that link again!
Hey 'you guys'! Thanks so much for the tribute to our Molly "Mookie" Cat. She had such personality - I wish she would be around to play with the Cupcakes when they get a little older :( Ted (what the hell kind of a name is Ted for a cat anyway???) is really cute. Tell him/her/shim/heshe/whatever to watch that tail when the squad gets a little older.
The babies are just adorable - I know I always say that, but they are! I'm digging the sunglasses. I really miss you Moni (ok Billy, I suppose I kinda miss you too LOL). As soon as the babies are up to it, we are going on vacation somewhere fun together!
Love your circus,
Note to self...Proofread before posting.
I left off that Ted is about as good a name for a cat as Molly is I suppose. Why is it that we feel the need to give our pets people names? Whatever happened to naming you dog Spot and your cat Fluffy? I miss those days. I have officially derailed and I am logging off now.
I think Forrest is smiling in those pictures because he finally heard from his long-lost godfather and he is happy that I'm done with tax season. Thanks for sharing in my happiness Forrest, I appreciate it. Great pictures of all the quads...they are getting big!!! Hopefully I can hear their first words because I'm pretty sure it's going to be "Brad" "Frank" or "Tank"...If they are really smart they will be able to say "Goertz", but that's kind of stretching it. Just kidding, I really am excited to see all of them though. Once again, thanks for providing us with a great post and amazing picutres.
The babies are beautiful. Blake and I have been enjoying the recent nice weather. He has been a good flower planting partner- Kevin is pretty good help too. Blake discovered yesterday that his toe will actually reach into his mouth and it tastes almost as good as his thumb! Hang in there a few more weeks before the quads big adventures into the world begin.
Dianna Goebel
Moni, you guys are so good at sharing! The sunglass video was great to watch and the earlier picture of Forrest smiling is so darned cute! I agree with Jac Tubre.. cat & puppy tails are great toys in the eyes of a baby (and toddler, too!). I wish you could have been with the Wesley crew at the March of Dimes walk yesterday. We had a big turn out. Got to see the Hanson triplets, they are darlings! Hope to see you and the quad squad soon.
Man, i must say, i think Forrest is overtaking Pius's reign as the biggest head baby! Leaping Lizards! they got some big noggins! By the way, i scored two points in the Scattegories game for naming "leaping lizards" as an animal that jumps/bounces. I've never seen one but i figured they have to be real since we named an exclamation after them, right?
love you all,
Auntie Em and Uncle Andy
I posted on the wrong one. I don't want you to quit posting so I decided to add another post. They are so much fun, I love my time with them. Their personalities are starting to really shine. You two are doing a fantastic job. I am so proud of you. Love, Grandma Vicki
Grandma Vicki, a posse of friends and relatives would hang Monica and Billy by their toes on one of their backyard trees. Then we'd line the quad squad in front of the patio windows for their entertainment. Bet we could post a video of the munchkins giving belly laughs. By the looks of the blog counter, we'd have plenty of help. Aunt GGr
great post!!! the babes really do look big but i am guessing they really aren't all that big and heavy, well unless you are carrying them around for a bit. Your arms must look great!!! I can't wait to see them in person. Biily and Monica hope you both are hanging in there!!!
I wonder if something is wrong with your comment section. There are so few comments and the pictures are so cute! Also, I showed June how to post a comment and she did last night, but it is not showing now...Hummmmm?????
We aren't getting any younger. I am getting restless ppl. POST! POST! POST!
Ok, since you asked what was going on in the lives of us commenters,and since you are lacking in comments, I thought I would post about myself...
Today is my birthday. Yesterday I had another sonogram and "baby Kylie" was measuring 2 pounds 7 oz. That seems big. Especially since 1 or 2 of your babies, weighed that much at birth. I hope everything is going good. Not much time left until you have some more freedom!!! (at least by not having to stay home, and letting more people come over and help)
I'm with you Budda.. I posted a comment on the previous post and it never showed up???? But it is past time for a new post... the native are getting restless and need an update. Please
Stacy (& Korey)
Is it true that you bundled up the babies and flew cross country to the Tubres? And once you got there, the paparazzi went nuts with their cameras? And we'll see the eight baby dolls on the cover of Parents magazine? Or was it Consumer Reports? Aunt GGr
aRRRR---I hate waiting!!!!
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