Okay, so this is a TOTAL rip-off from the Tubre clan....but hey, families share. Last night's bath time presented photo opportunities. I wondered if all our blog fans would be able to recognize the babies without any help. So, pressure's on....the polls close on June 5th at 5:00pm. Enjoy the music!
P.S. In case you're having trouble figuring it out, the order goes from the top left corner to the top right corner to the bottom left corner to the bottom right corner. Also, be sure to click on the slideshow to hear the music. Good luck!
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
"Forrest totally gives himself away. I wont say how, but he is an easy one! Very adorable naked babies!
You guys are awesome. I know my second favorite set of quads and am CERTAIN I got it right. They are so adorable. I did have trouble for about half a second with Forrest and Pius, but Emma helped me out. She can spot her man from a mile away. Anyway, Cullen is helping me type and he says ienxk,nvow;MK";e93l;mv
Love yall,
Jac & Nator
I guess I couldn't figure out the music part...tell me again.
I know we got it right! ha!
Budda and Papa
Great music sweetheart. To get the tunes just click on the speaker in the bottom left hand corner of the slideshow.
That was the most fun I ever had. I got it right. D....uh!
Love from UT, AJ, J, & L
Wow, that was harder than the Tubres, for some reason, and I have even met these babies. Don't worry, though, I am Sure that I am right. (it just took longer than I thought it would)
I totally bombed at picking the Tubre's but I think I got this one! We'll see...
Lurker in Dallas
Forrest and Pius sure made this a hard one! I can't wait for the results.
That was tooooooo easy. What a bunch of cuties! I know I got the right vote. Who could mistake Forrest. They are all adorbale!
Linda N
I voted and am very sure that I got them right. They are such cute babies. I even commented; aren't you proud of me?
Thanks, Aileng! I knew you had it in you! And thanks to all who've commented and voted so far. The polls are closing shortly and then we'll reveal who's who.
I'm waiting...so you better reveal! Just kidding. I know who's who anyway. And I got Pius and Forrest mixed up. Andrea
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