Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As promised....Part 2 of the video montage.



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
I'm numero uno to say!


Anonymous said...

I guess I was the second; but first on this post.

Monica, that was a beautiful prayer.

You got it going on.

Ashley Wasser said...

Oh how awesome you caught him saying BYE on camera! Great memories!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the Graf quads! Wishing you many more years of good health, love and laughter. Now I have to ask....what is that toy the boys are playing with at the end of the video? And where did you get it? My 9 month old son would LOVE that!

Liz (Brownfield) Jahnke

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU PRECIOUS GIFTS!!! I hope you get a copy of mom's message and put it in your baby book - it was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. It has been an interesting journey this past year. You are all beautiful and so loved. Wish we could see you in person to celebrate your birthday.
Love, Aunt Mary Ann & Uncle Fritz

Anonymous said...

What a precious post! And, such smart little babies. It is obvious they are talked to and played with a bunch! Those babies' parents are also two great blessings. Thank you for all your sharing and entertainment!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the babies!!! They are so cute and funny!!! What a journey a quad pregnancy is, and look at what is at the end--(Phoenix Kami's Mom here, Kami would send also, but she is too sick from the mag thing they did to her yesterday)!! Hoping she can be back on her blog soon--Have a fun one!'

Moni Graf said...

lbjayhawk79 - I honestly don't know the name of it because we got it as a hand-me-down toy from Billy's cousin, Steph. I'll look for any markings on it and if I find any, I'll leave another comment.

The babies DO love this little "fort" type thing! Keeps 'em busy for quite a while.


Moni Graf said...

All that it says on it is Fisher Price. Sorry I'm not more helpful!
