Sunday morning in our bed after the 6 a.m. feeds. L to R is Laine, Danna, Forrest, Pius and Billy all conked out.
Another week has come and gone and I really don't know where the time went. I can see what people mean when they say to enjoy it now because before you know it, they'll be all grown up. It's still pretty hectic around here...trying to figure some sort of a schedule for the babies and parents. We've had a lot of good helpers to see us and the babies including Aunt Cathy, Aunt Rose, my friends Karen, Leslie, Anita, Trish, Haley, Melody and Barb, Uncle Ryno, Aunt Mollie, Aunt RayRay, cousin Steph, friends Terri, Sergio and Janet and of course, our parents and Bucko. Billy's sister, Lainie, has been our saving grace on more than one occasion and she has become quite the multi-tasker. She's done so well with the babies even though she has never really been around too many infants in her little 20 year life! I think we may be abusing her and she just doesn't know it yet. Please don't tell her.
Aunt Lainie doing double duty holding Pius in the Snugli with a little Danna on the side.
We've also been dining on some great food, courtesy of Syl and MaryJo (Syl's catering), Aunt Nancy, Aunt Cathy, Aunt Bertie, Erin (EMO), Aunt Mary, Stacy and Fabes, Bonnie and Arb, mom and dad, Mike and Vicki, Bucko, Janet, Susan Webert, Aunt Paula and Uncle Nick, and Katie Duling...I mean Mohr. I'm sorry if I forgot to mention anyone. It's kinda hard to lose all 95 pounds of baby weight with good food like that in our house! Makes me wonder when all that pumping is going to start paying off (besides it being good for the kidlets).
As for the munchkins/hoglets/quad squad/lil' angels/lil' hellions/petit fours (yes, Jac, I'm taking that one back, but you can still use it, too), they're doing great. Dr Chavez wanted Danna and Laine to have weekly weigh-ins at his office because of their size, so Billy took those two in last Thursday and they gained weight like the little oinkers they are! Laine gained a whole pound in one week while Danna gained 13 ounces. That brings them to 7-6 and 5-6, respectively. I can't believe how much they're starting to fill out. Also new this week, all the babies are beginning to smile at us when we talk to them (providing they're in good moods).
Danna and Laine are still such sweet babies most of the time. They hardly ever give us too much grief. The Twin Towers, on the other hand, are always trying to outdo each other in the fussiness department. I think they may have some colic issues going on. Billy may disagree, but Pius is by far the worst for me. He is so good (i.e. sleeping) most of the day, but then goes through a transformation in the evening and cries for about 3-7 hours at night. I think he has Sun-Downer's syndrome minus the Alhzeimers. Forrest is fussy off and on throughout the day. I sure hope they grow out of that really fast.
Pius (L) and Forrest (R) in their beloved bouncy chairs. Pius looks like a little old bald man with hair on the sides and back!
Billy started back to work at QT and is really liking his location at 21st and Ridge. He says he sees a bunch of familiar faces throughout the day. My official back to work day is Feb 21st. I'm just going back part-time and my manager, Jeremy, has been so helpful with getting me hours and times that work for me and my family. I'll be working from 7pm to 3am back at the Wesley West ER. I'm excited to see all my peeps again and get back into the work force, even if it is just 2-3 days a week.
Forrest and daddy catching an unplanned afternoon nap
Our friend Chris (he and his wife Holly are the ones who drove our van back from PHX for us) is coming over this week to take a look at our computer. Hopefully he'll get us back up and running so we can start posting videos again. I have a few from a while ago that I wanted to post, but they're getting outdated now. I'm sure I'll post them anyway for posterity's sake.
I know I'm jumping around alot on subjects (hey, I'm sleep deprived and just typing as I think of things), but on another note, many people have asked us if we need anything or if they can do anything for us. Up until now, we haven't been able to think of anything. However, we still need volunteers to come over to help us when Billy or I are at work. If you've had your flu shot and can stick to the other rules we posted previously, we'd really appreciate you emailing Kelly at and letting her know if there are any times you'd be available to assist us. She has been a lifesaver with getting people's info and having them lined up for us. It's just too hard and time consuming to think of the people who've said they'd love to help and then find their numbers and arrange times. As of now, our pool is a little shallow and we don't want to wear anyone out by asking them to come over all the time. Plus, we love to show off our babies in all their smiling, kicking, burping, spitting up, pooping, peeing and crying glory! They're pretty darn cute.
More to come.... thanks again for all the prayers. They've helped get us this far and I'm sure will continue to give us the grace to survive at least another 18 years! Keep 'em coming!
Billy, Monica, Pius, Forrest, Danna and Laine
I thought I'd try one more time to post a video under a different internet browser and it worked. It only took about 45 minutes to upload. Enjoy.
Monica you sound pretty calm with all that screaming going on...keep it up...Megan wants to know when she gets to start baby-sitting....Love you guys!
Sorry...the above post by Uncle Bobby....
Wow! You guys are doing an amazing job! They are all looking fat and healthy. From an wayward admirer in another state, I wish I lived closer to see them in person. They are adorable and I can see a hand full.
Wow! They are getting so big. I would love to come help, it's just hard finging a time that works. If there is anything you need please call, I am more than willing to help. 316-207-7906.
Courtney Akright-Ritchie
Great update! I loved the video. (sucks that it took so long to upload) It really does seem like Pius and Forrest are trying to out-do one another with their crying. Maybe you should separate those 2.
I am impressed with cousin Lainie, I wouldn't worry about using her too much, she looks like she is loving every minute of it. Have a great week!
Wow! The munchkins are really filling out! I love Pius' baldness..too cute next to Forrest. Danna and Laine are on their way! They all look fantastic!
wonderful pictures,,,you are doin a great job,,,this could be a very good learning experience for young auntie lanie in more ways than one either she will be very good with hers or decide never to have any,,"lol",,,graf's are in the lead of the tubre/graf update war,,best wishes f/louisiana
I loved the post! The video was absolutely adorable! I just love hearing those cries...that is until 4 a.m. rolls around!! But Erin was completely right! I love every minute of it and I hope you guys keep abusing me!!! It is always so hard for me to say goodbye!! I love you and I will see you soon!! Love, Auntie Lainie!
Oh my goodness. All that crying at the same time. Incredible. Wow. My jaw just dropped and is struggling with going back up again. Wow.
Those little ones look amazing and cute and just plain great. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting them.
xoxo, Courtney
Your blog is amazing - I don't know how you find the time to do it, but you do . . . thank you again and again! From first hand experience Saturday night - the babies are so unbelievably precious, and I have to agree with Gampy Stubby that my favorite was the one I was holding at the time! Everywhere you look, there's a baby. I was impressed with how well Moni and Billy work together as a team and how they have a method to the madness. Their attitude is so positive and upbeat. There is ALWAYS something to be done - the dishwasher is humming constantly, there is always a baby needing to be held/diapered/fed/burped/changed etc. The "worst" part of the evening was getting a baby changed, burritoed up and fed - and as soon as he was about to fall asleep, would rip a ripe one in his diaper, wake him up and would have to be changed again. Thanks again for letting me help out.
I wasn't ready for the overwhelming emotions - total gratitude for their health, disbelief that Moni carried these little ones as long as she did - my heart was full. It is a miracle to look at tiny Danna - she is a person with bones and muscles, working organs, full of personality and sweetness. You can't tell me God doesn't exist after spending time with all four (or for that matter, any baby).
Precious bro, Bobby. You know that if Megan got to babysit, the quads would tell the rest of their cousins. There would be warfare with all the parents, including Sammy's mom.
I got to gab with Goertz's Dad at the Variety Show on Sunday. He gave a huge grin when I told him how much we enjoy his son's humor. (Lindsay and Sammy were superstars.) How the heck are you going to keep up with all the quad's activities? If Grandma and Grandpa Graf could do it with their 12, then I guess it is possible.
Happy, happy, happy, happy Valentine's Day from GGr and Sammy!
Hey guys! What a great post! I wish so much that I could come see the sunshiny babies! They are TOO adorable! The pix are killing me...I am feeling the need to cuddle!!
Thanks for the early morning text Moni! I was actually awake, thanks to the insomnia. I was holding onto a dream that I was going to fall asleep again--NOT! Sleep, will I ever enjoy it again?!
Keep those sweet babies happy and healthy, some day I will make it over there to see them! Miss you all! We will talk soon!!
Delane and Dan
I have to say...that was the most beautiful chorus of babies I have ever heard. They've come a long way thanks to the love of such wonderful parents as yourselves. Keep up the good work. Hope to be sending something via the mail for you folks for the little tykes. They are getting bigger every day. Congrats. From the College Hill Girls!!
Monique, when you were a young teen, you told me that all you really wanted was your own house to keep clean and kids. Wow talk about a dream come true!!! The kids are absolutely beautiful and I am very proud of you. Ask Billie to take a picture of you sleeping for me. Love you all, Aunt dd
Thanks to all you faithful commenters, but MAN....only 14 comments and one doesn't even count! After all that precious time spent, we're just a little disappointed. :(
Hey guys. Don't be down in the dumps about the posts. I'm actually posting right now, in the middle of my social psych class instead of listening to my professor. And, if you didn't know, I'm a nerd and really like to learn. So therefore, this post shows how much I love you guys and your babies. That sounds a little awkward... but it's true!
I finally listened to the Quad choir. Be still my heart!!!! Wish you could have seen Snickers, our cat. When the crying began (I had it on full blast), he came running to the computer and looked at it with a what-the-hell-is-that expression. Even his whiskers stood out straight. More, please! Aunt GGr and Sammy
I have to agree with Billy. I get so sad when I check the blog (like 23 times a day) and there are so FEW comments. It scares me because it leaves Billy and Monica no real good reason to post to us, if they hardly get any repsonse...
Billy and Moni - bravo on another wonderful post updating us all on your fabulous little miracles. They just get cuter and cuter everyday.
Tyger and Abbey's mates look to be so sweet and good. Seems funny how Emma and Forrest are both a little needy. And Pius and Cullen will definitely be best buds and most likely centers for their local high school football teams :)
Love 'you guys' and miss you lots. I have a box of goodies (clothes, Boudreaux's butt paste - a Louisiana great, etc) I am trying to get in the mail to you.
My hat is off to you - working, caring for your little ones and finding time to update. Y'all are amazing! That being said it is time to update again because I just posted a Jaclyn Special "Doozie". :)
Hey dudes...sorry I haven't been able to make it over lately...I have been fighting this terrible cold. I will be over asap. I told you this but wanted to comment so you didn't feel so crapy that your fan base is dropping like its hot! See what happens when you only post once every week and a half instead of twice a week! Quit acting like your so sleep deprived and too busy to post. All you guys do anymore is sit at don't give us faithful posters the crap "that you don't have as much time anymore!" I don't buy it! Why not instead of sleeping in your "Spare time" you start posting. GEESH! Anyways it was a great post...too bad we have to wait another two weeks for another. I just think your fan base isn't happy with your performance. Thats all I got to say about that.
Ryno is out!!!
Hey Billy and Monica,
Sorry it's been such a long time since I posted, but I am back and it looks like the quads are about ready for college now (Pius already has a bald spot, so they must be getting older). The last time I checked the blog they were half the size they are now. What are you feeding those little rascals? They must be on the Brad Goertz eating diet, so I'm thinking they are all going to be at least 6'6" or taller. I need to have a little talk with my godson Forrest who thinks he can just cry and get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. As for Danna, how far can she throw that life-sized football that is lying next to her? Also, you better watch out for Laine because he is being too quiet, so I know he is scheming something big. I will try my best to get everything taken care of so I can see the little rascals before they move out of the house. Hopefully all is going well for all you Graf's. All of you are still in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Doesn't it count that we all check the blog a hundred times a week...Do we have to write everytime too? The babies are just getting cuter and cuter if that is even possible! I just had to really laugh when I listened to the video and all that crying. God bless you both!! Love you, Aunt Mary O
Oh my, those babies are so precious! And Monica you have to be headed straight to saint-hood being able to handle four fussy babies and not lose an ounce of your composure! (Though I don't think any of us ever doubted what a wonderful mother you'd be!). You two are stronger than most and should be so proud of yourselves. Take care & know the prayers keep flooding your way...
I get to see the little ones this Sunday, I am so excited, I had to send an email to my family in AZ and brag. Looking forward to Sunday.
They are growing so fast and are just too cute. Brandon and I had a good laugh at the video, getting one baby ready to go out the door was difficult enough, never mind four. You guys are doing an awesome job, wish we were close by so we could help out. I have just one request, can someone other than Monica get behind the camera please, would love to see a picture of mummy with her babies!
I love love love the pictures. Especially the one of Pius and Forrest crying. Funny how cute they look even when they are po'd. Can't wait to meet the little ones! They are all Lainie has talked about lately. Take Care!
Mallory Williams
Ive never seen them cry like that! I loved it! so good to hear them using their lungs. Its such a lovely noise, for all of us that can come and go. You two are doing such a great job! The babies look and feel so healthy. Cant wait to see them again in the upcoming week. Love Aunt Rose. P.S. Laine and Bucko, I have really enjoyed spending time with the two of you. God does have lots of angels out their and the two of you have been a blessing to Billy and Monica.
Ok so I have looked at the pictures and watched the video half a dozen times (yes, this is what I do with my free least until I start working again :). I'm telling you, my little in-laws are just adorable.
Moni - my goal for the week is to get presentable one day and get on the other side of the camera. From the comments on your blog you should to. I would love to see you - not that I don't enjoy pictures of Billy drooling on Pius.
Package is in the mail. Call me when it gets there so I can explain the contents...there is a method to my madness I promise.
Miss you lots. Can't wait for a get together in a few years.
I watched godfather Goertz coach his sis's Special Olympics basketball game yesterday. Lindsay made a basket that was as pretty as they come. He's doing a good job with the team. You picked a gem! (Sammy's team won a bronze medal.) Aunt GGr
Ummmm - 30 posts ain't bad so come on already and update!!! We want pics too!! Seriously, I hope everything is going well.
Overweight speeding down the otherside of the hill whiteguy living the barefoot and shorts in February Florida lifestyle said......
Here's a thought why don't you have one of your many baby wranglers do some posting for you.
We all know your busy and tired but I'm guessing from the post you ain't getting any sympathy here.
Well I'm off to the beach and then maybe a umbrella drink at the Tiki bar.
Again Keep Up The Good Work.
P.S. We all want more pics of Monica.
Randy, you're such dirty old man! Have a few drinks for us while you're at it....then go for a swim in shark and croc infested waters. Just kiddin'! You need to head back to KS soon and see the babies in person. We've already told them all about you. They looked a little concerned.
Hi guys, better late than never, right? I just read through and foung that you both work on my side of town. I ALWAYS go to QT (loyal to the end, I worked there for 5 years) and ironically enough, we ALMOST had to go the west side Wesley ER last Thursday (March 6) for our middle one, Lucas. He had a pretty big seizure, this one being his worst in my opinion. But, we decided to forego the visit that night and just make an appt with the dr in the morning. Not sure if you were working or not, Mon, but just ironic....Anyway, your brood looks fabulous! Congratulations, you guys are doing great. And believe me, it's hard NOT to keep count of who does what and more. I have 3 boys, not the same age, and I still do that. I try not to, but it just happens. Good luck to ya!!!
Sorry, I forgot to put my name on the last comment. Doesn't do you any good without a name, huh? He he he...Anyway, it's Jamie (Hentzen) Sampson. Best of wishes to you all.
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