Let us introduce ourselves - Steph and Kelly are first cousins of Billy on the Graf side (his dad Stubby and my dad Ed are brothers - quite handsome ones at that). Kelly and I arrived in Phoenix late yesterday morning. Meeting us at Security Checkpoint B was none other than the handsome Billy - it was so good to see his beautiful face and smile in person (gotta love those dimples - I can't wait to see which quad (if not all) get those charming facial features). We went to Walmart to get some important staples (beer and a few other things, courtesy of Ed & Nancy) we continued on to Chipotle (courtesy of Ed & Nancy) for lunch.
We made it back to the apartment complex and proceeded to smother Billy and Moni with hugs and kisses, as directed by all of the family back in the ICT. It got kind of weird after awhile :) We ate lunch and talked and talked. After doing the dishes (which consisted of throwing the trash away), we moved our discussion to the balcony where Kelly and I were priviledged enough to feel the babIES! move. Bless Moni's heart - she is such a trooper to have four little ones rockin' and rollin' inside her body. She looks fabulous, as you can see from the pictures) but is absolutely amazing in person.
After doing the first of two contraction monitoring sessions, we put on our swimsuits, Moni settled down into her wheelchair and we trooped down to the pool. It is so beautiful here - palm trees, lots of flowering shrubs, and even little lizards that run around (Phoenix's version of a squirrel, I guess). The weather is fabulous - in the 90s, which might sound warm to some, but coming from Kansas, the AZ 90 is more like our mid-70s, because there is no humidity. We didn't realize how much we missed Moni's laugh until we got here. Being down at the pool was a close second to being at Mike and Vicki's. After sunning ourselves like little turtles, drinking red beers like Graf fishies, and lots of hyenic laughs, we headed back to the apartment once the shade of the buildings covered the pool.
It took us awhile to decide what to have for dinner, and after we finally decided what we wanted, found out that they didn't deliver, so we settled (which really wasn't settling) on Domino's Pizza (courtesy of Ed & Nancy). Then we watched the Dog Whisperer (and yes, for those of you who know me well, I fell asleep during it) and called it a night. Hopefuly Kelly learned some useful tips to try on her spastic dog Louis.
For some, it might seem like an uneventful night, but for Kelly and me, it was absolutely PERFECT! The pool, reading trashy tabloid magazines, red beer, good food (we've been eating a lot so as not to make Moni feel like she's eating too much - we are such great cousins) and most of all Billy and Moni made for a fabulous day.
When they say that they check the Blog constantly for new posts, they aren't joking. In fact, it is quite addictive. Just as those of us check for updates from them, so too do they check for posts/comments from each of you. We'd get back from the pool and one of the first things we'd ask is "did anyone post anything?" And then, oh man, not yet. First verbal utterances of the day echoed the same sentiment. Technology is such a wonderful way to stay connected over a long distance - to answer the questions that everyone is asking and only have to answer them once.
OK, enough serious talk, and now for Kelly and Steph's Top Sixteen Things We Have Learned In Phoenix - in no particular order:
1) Moni has gained about 70 pounds. The doctor wants her to put on 80 - 100. She eats approximately every two hours and drinks about 150 ounces of water a day, which translates to lots of trips to the bathroom. When she's feeling crazy, she'll drink a caffeine free soda.
2) My camera isn't compatible with Moni's - which is why we didn't post pictures from yesterday (you Blog watchers are insatiable!)
3) Billy eats Chipotle about 3 - 5 times a week while in Wichita. He likes the Steak Fajita Bol with a tortilla on the side.
4) When asked if Moni wanted a non-fat decaf vanilla latte, Moni said "no." The babies need whole milk decaf vanilla latte.
5) Billy is still learning the quickest route back from the airport.
6) Billy ROCKS as a Guitar Hero. Steph still has a long way to go.
7) While most of us consider pregnancy to consist of one child in utero, for Billy and Moni, the concept of one baby is strange. They say "babies" like it is totally natural.
8) Billy has had a difficult time adjusting to his teams playing at 10:00 a.m. PST.
9) Moni had 2 contractions during her morning session - which is great! She is a pro at switching out her terb pump and also pretty good at ripping it out accidentally.
10) Moni wore a bikini top for the first time at the pool, because the tankini top was getting too restrictive.
11) They wash their dishes by hand and use the dishwasher as a drying rack.
12) They have all seven (7) of their cards displayed on a ledge. Come on people, snail mail is much more exciting to receive than blog comments.
13) Moni's Aunt Charlotte sent a beautiful picture of the Virgin Mary and Baby Infant Jesus, with a lovely card (she is a very good writer BTW).
14) Quotes from Talledegha Nights flow freely and always bring a laugh "Billy thanks God for his smokin' hot wife, who on a scale of 100, easily scores a 94"
15) Bill has greatly refrained from causing his wife stress "I have by God" - having only one tiff (if that) while we have been there.
16) Billy laid his head on Moni's belly last night, and as soon as he put his head down, got kicked in the ear by Forrest, earning him an A+ for the day by his Momma.
That's all for now. We'll take pictures with B&M's camera today and post them later. I'm sure we'll all go out at midnight to celebrate Billy's birthday (Moni's been craving tequila). Kidding.
Graf out!
Lex senior year of FOOTBALL!
5 years ago
Hi Billy & Moni-
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed talking to you, Billy. I wish I had gotten to talk to you, too, Monica. Just remember, I am the VOR (Voice of Reason for those of you not in the loop) so keep doing everything right so Dr. Elliott won't have to get me involved! Keep taking good care of each other. We love you and miss you all! Stacey
I am so jealous. I want to be there. Mama Budda and I were talking about how beautiful you are Monica. You have always been beautiful but now you are glowing. Billy your smile tells it all. Lainie,Ryan, Adam, Dad and I are going out for Lainie's Birthday tonight. We are going to enjoy a special toast for your birthday too. It won't be the same without the two of you. I am just so happy the Steph and Kelly get to be with you to help you and Moni celebrate. Take care, Love Mama Vicki
My gosh! The Graf's should go into the writing business. Not only can Billy and Moni whip out a spectacular post...this last one was magnificent!! I know the pictures will be just as great! This is now my favorite pastime.
Mama Vicki helped me out with Em's video today...if I haven't lost it, I will send you guys a copy.
Love you!
Thanks for the update it was very informative!!! Too bad about the pictures, as I am sure that you took fabulous ones. I swear I am in the process of getting something to send snail mail, because I do know how fun it is to get things in the mail besides bills. Later!
Aunt Dono & UFB and Crissy want to wish you good luck tomorrow night with the Broncos game even though mom wanted me to wish you Chiefs (Arrowhead) love from Wichita and I said "No Way! are you kidding me; Chiefs Suck Donkey penis." Billy & Moni we are always thinking of you and checking the website (which is totally awesome)!!! Thanks for the update Kel and Steph. We love all six of you! Go Broncos!!!! I know they will score big for your birthday Bil!
UFB, Dono, Crissy, Brad, & Wesley (Wes is thinking of you while he is eating MRI's in training; he told us to give you his love).
I have to say I read daily and LOVE the posting from friends that gave you a great blessing by coming to visit. Many more blessing to come I am sure as the arrival date it not that far away. I am sure if I was still wearing a tankini with 4 babies in my belly at this time, that it would have to be a very adjustable piece to make it worth the bother. Yeah for the bikini top! That should go in the baby book of all of them for sure if you have a pic! I hope you live it up this weekend before you are really on hospital arrest and not home arrest, as I am sure it is not as user friendly, and for sure the food is not as good. Chipolte for sure has alot more salt then they will allow. I loved the mug shots! They should absolutely not go in the baby books at all to be lead by example at a later age. Take care and enjoy the peace before the storm of the miracles to come.
Hope all is well. Thought of a few insider Bronco jokes, but my loyalties have yet to be perfected with the family (despite the irony of having watched the first Bronco Super Bowl loss prior to some of the Blogsters being born). That's 1978 for Kelly.
Peace - RE
Love you!
Well it has been another lovely "quiet" night in the ER. Wind blowing like crazy outside and stomach virus going round from what we have seen inside.
The typical cuts and broken bones as well.
Dinner was ordered from Renees and Taco Bueno...think they are having a farting contest at the nurses station. I came to hide in triage...The giggling is getting pretty frantic back there, wonder who fluffed now.
Went to Renfest in Kansas City last weekend for a wedding of all things. Got to visit friends from nursing school.
Glad you two are able to have so many visitors. I am sure you are so homesick. I remember that first time away from home and it was not fun. Well at least people aren't yelling at you and telling you to do push-ups, lol.
I think it is excellent you went to the pool in a bikini, go all you can. Your next few summers any where near a pool are not going to be relaxing.
PS. Happy Birthday Billy
Excellent post, very funny as well as being very informative. Makes me want to fly to AZ now, rather than in 2 months. Moni, send me your address so as I can get busy on that snail mail. I was glad to hear the little princess is holding her own. I am praying for that 30 week mark. The Graf six are in my thoughts daily. Keep glowing, laughing and smiling; your great attitudes and the environment they create has got to be a plus for brewing happy and healthy babes. I have to say you take pretty convincing mug shots though, I was trying to figure out if you were upset with the haircut or just missing everyone. Well better get to bed, it is 2:45am here and I HAVE to be in church tomorrow. Oh and Billy, you probably don't remember the few times I have met you but, Happy Birthday, have a cool one on me. (I'll pay in December). Melody
Wow, Steph. Great write-up. I especially loved the 16 things you learned while in the Grand Canyon state. Very personalized. I dig it. And, as a vegetarian eater, I can appreciate your love for Chipotle. Even though they feed carnivores, they use meat from cows, chickens and pigs that have been treated with kindness. Yaaay Chipotle! And those chips are damn good.
I love you all and wish I could give you millions of hugs and smooches. As for you, Billy- I hope you had one spectacular birthday.
Graf out!
Stubby Grandpa here. I've got to start by saying that I didn't realize how educational it is to read all the posts. I sure didn't realize how healthy Chipotles was. You know my love for Mexican food, I might have to mix it in there once in awhile. Besides that Billy, I haven't got to go to Chipotles after bowling since you haven't been there. And Kathy, thanks so much for enlightening me on what women call farts. First of all I didn't even know women farted. Mama Vicki you are busted. No more blaming it on the dogs. Next time I catch that aroma, just wondering where it might have come from, I'm going to shout out, NICE FLUFF VICKI!!! On to you guys. I know I don't post much but thats probably because I talk to Billy 2 and sometimes 3 times a day on the phone. I am not complaining Billy. Please keep calling. But that is not fair to you Moni. I too believe you are extremely beautiful! To this day I still wonder how Billy got you. #1. I know he doesn't have money. #2. He got his looks from me and not his Mother. And #3 I changed his diapers. Not only when he was a baby, but actually until he was about 13 years old. No really,he has probably convinced you that someday he will have money (even though you'll make it) and he did get his looks from his Mother (She is gorgeous!!) and when I changed his diapers as a baby I really did wonder if I was his Father (hence - my nickname Stubby). The bottom line is I am thrilled to have you as my daughter in law and am so happy that you are carrying my grand children. I am so proud of both of you and love you guys dearly!!! War BC Eagles winning last Friday night, War Crimson Tide winning yesterday and War Broncos winning tonight. Billy I wish you the happiest Birthday ever. I love you guys!!!
Stubby Grandpa
Happy Birthday Billy Joe. I love you. Moni now you know where Billy's mischieviousness comes from. Love, Mama Vicki
I hope the Graf sisters' visit was great for all, happy birthday to Billy, and to Monica - best wishes for the coming weeks.
In all honesty I just wanted to say I would like to have Kelly back.
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